2019. július 24., szerda

Introduction (0)

Hello dear stranger!

This blog was created to share my notes for my book idea. By doing so, I help myself to see through it all, and you, dear stranger, can look into things and give your opinion to help me progress and shape the story.

My entries will include these notes in English and Hungarian. It helps me think better when I read things in Hungarian, and if someone speaks this language, it is easier for them. In English, however, you can reach more and understand what I am talking about here. In the English part, my boyfriend helps me, he translates my Hungarian texts (thanks to him from here and I really love him) and corrects me if I try to write in English.
The notes include, among other things, the structure of the world, the characterization of the characters, the magic, the look of the different levels of the world, the magic system and the origin of the whole story.
The posts will include pictures that I draw with my own hands. I'm already working on more illustrations, so even if there is no picture next to the note, it will be later.
You can see these drawings and my other drawings side by side on my instagram page (@annie.art18). I also plan to write info about my book there and also to make descriptions below the drawings.
If you didn't come here from my Ko-fi site, then ... I also have a Ko-Fi site where if you like what I do here on the net in the form of my drawings and notes, you can support me with the price of a coffee.😁

I hope it will be interesting to you, dear reader, and keep up with me until I get to the book.😘

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